Thursday, December 5, 2013

Visual Image from the Affordable Care Act

Obamacare has brought about a shift in the healthcare system as well as creating a lot of tension between the political parties. Political cartoonists have started to incorporate this into their cartoons, incorporating different meanings and different viewpoints of this system. It's become a primary focus in a lot of political arguments, and whether or not there is agreement with the policy there are interesting images which come from this plan. This image to the right is the Obamacare symbol, which was found through google, which is visually interesting on its own. Obama's new logo is featured at the bottom with an image looking like the medical symbol is on top of it. This here shows that both of these images are working together for the people, through the colors and the background it shows that they are working through America. All the people in the backgrounded are whited out and don't have faces, showing that anyone could be one of those people and that are behind this system. This image is open and suggests that so many people are behind the Affordable Care Act, even if this isn't the case for everyone. The insignia is centered within the image as well, giving a balance within the image. 
This second image is a political cartoon about Obamacare, which is much more simplistic in how it relays the message. The image of health is created through the use of a syringe, a common tool within the medical field. It is extended to shoot through the entire body of the individual within the image. This individual used is Uncle Sam, who represents America and is used in many different political images. The use of red white and blue in this image also represents America, though the white background creates a different visual field. Having the white background makes the image of Uncle Sam pop. The meaning of the image seems to show Obamacare shooting through Uncle Sam's body, and causing it to bleed. If Uncle Sam represents America, than it is saying that Obamacare becomes a wound in America, makes it bleed.
This is a second political cartoon which I found about Obamacare. This image is of an older woman holding a pill bottle which represents Obamacare. This image works like a commercial for medicine, where the medicine is the focus and it looks all bright and cheerful. However at the bottom of these adds there is small letters which show the side effects of the medicine, which here shows the side effects of Obamacare. The colors in this image are dulled bright colors, with Obamacare bolded in red. The use of red makes the Obamacare look dangerous, since when relating to medicine the color red is not a positive thing. The added wording at the bottom of the image, added at a later date, also makes a pun on swallowing pills and relating it to America.
It was interesting searching for Obamacare comics or images, because there weren't very many positive ones. I think this is because political artists like to make fun of what is going on, and rarely support it. They like to expose every flaw in every system, and through doing this even the smallest of negativity becomes big, which makes political cartoons extremely successful. 

1 comment:

  1. Great job with your visual analysis! I really like the last image and the listed “side effects”.
    5 out of 5
