Monday, October 28, 2013

Explosive Birth (Extra)
This work of political graffiti art struck me. I couldn't find any information about this work, other than it was just an idea of the artist in order to portray a message. I feel as though this image could have multiple meanings behind it, through it's simplicity and design. The use of simple black and white has quite the impact, though the "whiteness" of the wall is not completely there. 
One meaning from this image which deeply saddened me was childhood bombers. I've heard stories from war veterans as well as from people who knew them about children who were handed grenade by military men of their countries to go and attack the American soldiers (and probably has affected other countries, however I've only heard of the American soldiers). These young children were forced to go bomb the American troops, causing the troops to be ordered to shoot. These children don't know what they are doing, they are innocent victims in this situation, which in turn causes such pain for these soldiers. In order to protect the troops they are forced to destroy these young children, which were born into these situations just by living in these areas. That meaning of this work of art is beyond saddening, because I know soldiers who have been forced to shoot children, and it deeply wounds the soldiers forever.
However, while that is the immediate meaning I receive from this image, there are also many other meanings which can be determined from this art. A pro-life message comes to mind as well, because of the relationship between these two small objects. The grenade in this image can represent the womb, but more importantly the mindset of a women in an unexpected pregnancy. Her body becomes a grenade, because depending who the woman is she could decide to terminate the pregnancy. The smallness of the child is highlighted here, because the baby fits perfectly inside the grenade. The size shows the figure of a baby, how we see one in the womb, and yet it's so tiny. That itself shows that this is a child, even inside the womb. This comes to my mind because of the amount of abortions have been compared to a genocide, to a war, and that also relates to my first immediate message.
Another message which I perceived from this work is the destruction of childhood. The grenade represents childhood as the child's life is attached to it, and it feeds from it. A child's innocence and their spirit of childhood is constantly attached to them, but it is fragile and could easily be destroyed. I think that this message could also represent that. 
The simplicity of this image could also bring multiple more meanings, however those are the two that I determine. Visually this image could take on any meaning, even ones not even pertaining to children. It's stencil like drawing allows for that. 

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